
class pyrtlib.rt_equation.RTEquation#

Bases: object

This class contains the main Radiative Transfer Equation functions.



bright(hvk, boft)

Function to compute temperature from the modified Planck radiance (Planck function without the constants \(\frac{2h\nu^3}{c^2}\).

clearsky_absorption(p, t, e, frq[, o3n, amu])

Computes profiles of water vapor and dry air absorption for a given set of frequencies.

cloud_integrated_density(dencld, ds, lbase, ltop)

Integrates cloud water density over path ds (linear algorithm).

cloud_radiating_temperature(ibase, itop, ...)

Computes the mean radiating temperature of a cloud with base and top at profile levels ibase and itop, respectively.

cloudy_absorption(t, denl, deni, frq)

Multiplies cloud density profiles by a given fraction and computes the corresponding cloud liquid and ice absorption profiles, using Rosenkranz's cloud liquid absorption and ice absorption by [Westwater-1972].

exponential_integration(zeroflg, x, ds, ...)

EXPonential INTegration: Integrate the profile in array x over the layers defined in array ds, saving the integrals over each layer.

planck(frq, t, taulay)

Computes the modified planck function (equation (4) in [Schroeder-Westwater-1992] for the cosmic background temperature, the mean radiating temperature, and a profile of the atmospheric integral with and without the cosmic background.

ray_tracing(z, refindx, angle, z0)

Ray-tracing algorithm of Dutton, Thayer, and Westwater, rewritten for readability & attempted documentation.

refractivity(p, t, e)

Computes profiles of wet refractivity, dry refractivity, refractive index.

vapor(t, rh[, ice])

Compute saturation vapor pressure (es,in mb) over water or ice at temperature t (kelvins), using the Goff-Gratch formulation (List,1963).