- pyrtlib.utils.dewpoint2rh(td: float, t: float, ice: Optional[bool] = False, method: Optional[str] = 'arm') float #
Calculate relative humidity from temperature and dewpoint. Value is calculated using the August-Roche-Magnus approximation. [August-1828] [Magnus-1844].
\[RH = \frac {\exp(\frac{a T_d}{b+T_d})} {\exp(\frac{a T}{b+T})}\]\[where \ a = 17.625, b = 243.04\]\[RH = \frac {6.1078\times10^{\frac{aT_d}{b + T_db}}}{6.1078\times10^{\frac{a T}{b + T}}}\]\[where \ a = 7.5, b = 265.5\]- Parameters:
- Returns:
The relative humidity to the provided dew point temperature
- Return type:
Examples using pyrtlib.utils.dewpoint2rh
Performing Upwelling Brightness Temperature calculation using IGRA2 Upper Air Observations (with Extrapolation).
Performing Upwelling Brightness Temperature calculation using Wyoming Upper Air Observations.
Performing Upwelling Brightness Temperature calculation using Wyoming Upper Air Observations.