
This module contains the utils functions.


atmospheric_tickness(p, t[, mr])

Calculate the thickness of a layer via the hypsometric equation.


This routine will provide values and units for all the universal constants necessary to pyrtlib.

dewpoint2rh(td, t[, ice, method])

Calculate relative humidity from temperature and dewpoint.

dilec12(f, t)

Computes the complex dielectric constant for liquid water, with a negative imaginary part representing dissipation.

e2mr(p, e)

Compute \(H_2O\) mass mixing ratio (g/kg) given pressure (mbar) and \(H_2O\) partial pressure (mbar)


Compute water vapor saturation pressure over ice using Goff-Gratch formulation.


Compute water vapor saturation pressure over water using Goff-Gratch formulation.


Returns the mass of the HITRAN gas ID


Get frequencies list from main ground instrument.


Get frequencies list from main satellite sensors.


Convert height data to pressures using the U.S.


Import a named object from a module in the context of this function.

kgkg_to_kgm3(q, p, t)

Utils function to convert from \(kg/kg\) to \(kg/m^3\).

mr2e(p, mr)

Compute \(H_2O\) partial pressure (mbar) given pressure (mbar) and \(H_2O\) mass mixing ratio (g/kg)

mr2rh(p, t, w[, Tconvert])

Determine relative humidity (rh) given reference pressure (mbar), temperature (K), and water vapor mass mixing ratio (g/kg)

mr2rho(mr, t, p)

Determine water vapor density (\(g/m^3\)) given reference pressure (mbar), temperature (K), and water vapor mass mixing ratio (g/kg)

ppmv2gkg(ppmv, gasid)

Convert volume mixing ratio in ppmv to mass mixing ratio in g/kg.

ppmv_to_moleculesm3(mr, p, t)

For any gas, this function converts mixing ratio (in ppmv) to number density (\(molecules/m^3\)).


Convert pressure data to height using the U.S.

rho2mr(rho, t, p)

Determine water vapor mass mixing ratio (g/kg) given reference pressure (mbar), temperature (t,K), and water vapor density (\(g/m^3\)).

rho2rh(rho, t, p)

Convert water vapor density to relative humidity.

satmix(p, t[, Tconvert])

Compute saturation mixing ratio (g/kg) given reference pressure, p (mbar]) and temperature, T (K).

satvap(t[, Tconvert])

Compute saturation vapor pressure (mbar) given temperature, T (K).

tk2b_mod(hvk, t)

Get modified Planck function (Planck function without the constants \(\frac{2h\nu^3}{c^2}\)) by T and hvk (Planck constant * frequency) / Boltzmann constant, (equation (4) from [Schroeder-Westwater-1991])


Convert T from Kelvin to Celsius


Convert T from Celsius to Kelvin

virtual_temperature(t, mr)

Calculate virtual temperature.